商学院 & 教育



GMercyU将帮助您成为当今竞争激烈的商业世界中的领导者. Our accredited undergraduate and graduate business degree programs focus on 今天’s most in-demand skills, 包括沟通, 解决问题, 和领导能力.
根据你选择的课程,你可以在我们位于宾夕法尼亚州格温内斯谷的校园里获得学位. 或者以加速的在线形式.  


GMercyU被命名为 2023-2024年、2022-2023年和2021-2022年的商学院. 


GMercyU business students have the opportunity to gain real-world experience through internships at some of the area’s top companies, 比如安泰保险, 毕马威(KPMG), 美林(Merrill Lynch), 和普华永道.


如果你正在寻找经验丰富的商业教授,他们会对你真正感兴趣, GMercyU是一个值得去的地方.  我们的班级很小, which gives you plenty of opportunities to get to know your professors and for them to get to know you.  Our 教师 also have a wide network of professional contacts so you can build your business network before you graduate.


格温内斯默西大学商学院坐落在该校最新的大楼里, 大学大厅, 它的特点是先进的课堂技术,包括实时股票行情. 

IACBEThe 商学院 and 教育 at 格温内斯仁慈大学 have received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the 国际商业教育认证委员会 (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, 堪萨斯, 美国. 有关认可课程的列表,请查看 IACBE会员状态页面.

IACBE学生成绩公开披露(2022-2023) (PDF)

*向本处提出投诉, 请与国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)联系 http://iacbe.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Procedure-for-Third-Party-Complaints.pdf.

  • B.S. 数字通信 -写作生涯的完美跳板, 社交媒体, 广播, 或者传媒专业的公共关系.


以下每个本科商业学位课程都在我们位于宾夕法尼亚州格温内斯谷的校园里提供. 并获得了国际商业教育认证委员会的认证. 作为商科专业的本科生,你也可以选择参加我们的 4+1 MBA研究生课程 只要你符合资格要求.

  • B.S. 在会计
    我们的Bachelor of Science 在会计 degree will prepare you to meet a critical need in any organization.  我们也提供注册会计师的会计学位, 这样你就可以获得额外的学分,你需要走上注册会计师执照的轨道. 

  • B.S. 在金融领域 
    我们的Bachelor of Science 在金融领域 will give you a seat at the financial table of any business or organization.

  • B.S. 在管理 
    A degree in man年龄ment from GMercyU will open the door to a wide array of opportunities in the business world.

  • B.S. 在市场营销 
    Our diverse marketing curriculum will prepare you for a range of career opportunities in the business and non-profit world.

  • B.S. 体育管理 
    我们的B.S. 《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》将帮助你把对体育的热爱转化为职业.

商学院提供的一些项目可能需要犯罪背景调查, 防止虐待儿童, 特定的免疫接种, and other health-related clearances to participate in experiential learning required as part of your undergraduate curriculum.  除了, some careers require a criminal background check and/or certain immunizations as a condition of employment.  看到 本科目录 了解更多信息.

*许可: This program was designed to meet the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) education licensure requirements in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 而无论在哪里考试都是一样的, each state has different education and experience requirements that must be met in order to become a licensed CPA. 如果你住在另一个州, you should carefully review your home state’s CPA licensure requirements prior to enrolling in this program. 我们将与您一起找出具体的州要求是什么. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 程序许可要求页面.

如果你参加了本科商业学位课程, 你可以选择留到第五年完成你的 4+1 MBA课程. 如果符合条件, you will take 12 graduate credits during your senior year as part of your undergraduate tuition and then complete the remaining credits in year five in a combination of on-ground and online classes. 

以下在线MBA学位课程和证书以加速形式提供. 他们可以完全在线完成.

+除了大学的中部州认证, 这些项目都通过了特殊的认证 国际商业教育认证委员会.



GMercyU’s School of 教育 will help you become the teacher or education administrator you aspire to be. 
拥有最先进的技术和经验, 支持教育工作者作为你的向导, 你将发展教学, 课堂管理, and educational leadership skills you need to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of your future students.

通过我们的教师学徒计划(TAP), our undergraduate education majors participate in classroom observations beginning in their first semester on campus and then continue to gain hands-on experience through pre-student and student teaching opportunities.


  • 个人顾问 指导你完成四年的课程
  • 专职实习主任 支持你的学生教学经验
  • 教育认证协调员 以确保你符合成为宾夕法尼亚州合格教师的要求

Each of the following four-year undergraduate education degree programs are offered on our campus in Gwynedd Valley, Pa., and include extensive opportunities to spend time in school classrooms beginning as early as your freshman year.

  • B.S教育研究 
    所有本科教育专业都从我们的教育研究项目开始. 只要你修完至少45个学分,累积绩点至少3分.0 and passed a Basic Skills Assessment Test as required by the Pennsylvania Department of 教育, 您可以申请以下列出的教师认证计划之一.

  • B.S. 早期教育(PreK-4) 
    该课程将帮助您成为宾夕法尼亚州学前班到四年级的合格教师. Upon completion of this program and the passing of the Pennsylvania Department of 教育 teacher certification test, 你将有资格申请宾夕法尼亚州的PreK-4教师认证.

  • B.S. 学前教育(PreK-4)和特殊教育(PreK-12) 
    This dual major will prepare you to become certified as a teacher in both PreK-4 and PreK-12 Special 教育 in Pennsylvania. Upon completion of this program and the passing of the required Pennsylvania Department of 教育 tests, you will be eligible to apply for PreK-4 and Special 教育 (PreK-8) teacher certifications in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

  • B.S. 特殊教育(PreK-12) 
    准备成为一名特殊教育教师,从PreK到12年级. This degree is also the perfect path for pursuing an applied behavioral analysis (ABA) certification program on the graduate level, 作为一名特殊教育教师,哪些可以进一步提高你的工资和就业机会.

  • 5年(4+1)学士/硕士学位:快速通道科学教育硕士课程 
    对中学教学感兴趣? 学生s in our Biology or 历史 program can earn their bachelor's degree and master's degree in education in just five years.

教育学院提供的一些课程可能需要犯罪背景调查, 防止虐待儿童, 特定的免疫接种, and other health-related clearances to participate in experiential learning required as part of your undergraduate curriculum. 除了, some careers require a criminal background check and/or certain immunizations as a condition of employment. 看到 本科目录 获取更多信息和课程描述.

格温内斯仁慈大学 offers the programs you need to achieve your goals in advancing your career. Each of the programs below is offered in a fully online format that allows you to earn your advanced education degree without interrupting your career. You will learn with and be supported by qualified 教师 and other educators from around the country.

The following certification programs are available to educators who already hold a master’s degree in education and want to take their careers to the next level.

Prepare for leadership at all levels of education with 格温内斯仁慈大学’s innovative programs created and overseen by 获奖项目主任雷蒙德·班德洛博士.

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