
成为一名治疗师By Dr. Elizabeth Brokamp, PhD, LPC, ACS, NCC, BC-TMH
Assistant Professor and Counseling Program Director, 格温内斯仁慈大学

Longing for a career in which you can make a difference? 有很强的沟通能力和帮助他人的愿望的人可以找到有价值的职业作为心理健康治疗师. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (2022) published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, careers in mental health are projected to 到2032年增长18%, a rate that's six times the national aver年龄. The COVID-19 pandemic further increased the need for counseling services, driving up demand for skilled, 富有同情心的, mental health providers to address rising levels of depression, 焦虑, other mental health disorders.

This article covers how to become a therapist, including:


治疗师是一名心理健康专业人员,接受过与有情感挑战的人一起工作的培训, helping to optimize their mental health. Sometimes also called psychotherapists or counselors, therapists are typically professionals who have earned a Master’s Degree in Counseling or Social Work and who provide therapy services to clients. 治疗师与心理学家(获得心理学博士学位的人)或精神科医生(上过医学院并能开精神科药物的人)不同,但他们可能会与相似的人群打交道,有时也会在相同的临床环境中工作, 像医院, 门诊治疗中心, 或者私人执业.

What Types of Therapists Are There?

Therapists may choose amongst several different career paths, 这取决于年龄组, 人口, 处理问题, or work setting that is of interest to them. Specialties in therapy may include options like:

  • 儿童心理治疗师
  • 夫妻治疗师
  • 团体治疗师
  • 私人从业者

毕业后, 治疗师也可能寻求认知行为疗法等专业的高级培训, 创伤治疗, 此种疗法, Internal Family Systems (IFS), 动物辅助治疗, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 同样的, 一些治疗师专门研究特定的问题或障碍,如悲伤, 生殖创伤, 药物滥用, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

一旦他们进入这个领域, 过多的高级培训和专业选择开放给治疗师可以使一个充满活力的, 引人注目的职业.


治疗师的一天可能看起来非常不同,这取决于他们工作的治疗环境. 私人诊所的治疗师可能在办公室里与客户有一个充满个人治疗预约的时间表, 然而,从事社区心理健康工作的治疗师可能会在一周内与伴侣配对,与家庭进行家庭治疗.

The 人口 with whom therapists work can also dictate daily activities. 儿童治疗师可能会花一上午的时间和小学生玩治疗游戏, 而与老年客户打交道的治疗师可能会花同样的时间向客户提供摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站如何应对失业的心理教育, 例如.

Some typical responsibilities for most therapists include:

  • 进行入学面试
  • 制定治疗计划
  • 参加治疗课程
  • 撰写案例笔记
  • Providing psycho教育 to clients
  • Interacting with other treatment providers or community-based services
  • Participating in case consultation or supervision

Skills Needed to Become a Therapist

Therapists are highly-attuned, skillful helpers. 为了在工作中有效,治疗师需要具备几个不同的属性.

  • 同理心, 客户带来了各种各样的问题,其中一些可能涉及他们自己的选择或行为. 对治疗师来说,重要的是能够感受到同情,而不是做出判断.
  • 自我意识 – Understanding their own emotions, 的想法, 偏见, 行为疗法使治疗师能够抛开个人意见,帮助客户适应自己的需求.
  • 〇良好的倾听能力 倾听是一项基本技能,可以让治疗师了解他们的客户, 了解客户问题, determine how best to support them.
  • 尊重他人 – Clients come from a diverse range of backgrounds, with a diversity of experiences. 治疗师需要带着对这些差异的深刻尊重来对待他们的工作.

Steps to Becoming a Therapist

治疗师必须取得 Master’s Degree in Counseling or Social Work that includes academic courses, as well as fieldwork requirements. While both kinds of programs can lead to careers in mental health, they differ from one another in terms of professional identity. According to the American Counseling Association (ACA), which is the largest organization serving the interests of professional counselors, counseling empowers “diverse individuals, 家庭, groups to accomplish mental health, 健康, 教育, 职业目标.这种对授权和健康的强调导致大多数咨询师将他们的消费者称为“客户”,“非”病人,这在源自心理护理医学模式的领域可能更为常见.

Master’s programs in Counseling typically last anywhere from 2.5至4年. 经验要求是由州许可法规定的,所以各个学校通常是一致的, 程序对程序. GMercyU's Counseling program is only 2.5 years long, to help you launch your career more quickly.

Step 1: Earn an Undergraduate Degree

Earning your bachelor’s degree is the first step in becoming a therapist. 专业的像 心理学、社会学、 社会工作, 教育 是否与咨询领域密切相关,并且通常会提供申请咨询硕士学位课程所需的许多先决条件.

At GMercyU, prerequisites for our master’s program include:

  • General 心理学, developmental 心理学 or a similar course
  • Research methods and/or statistics

If you have any questions regarding prerequisites or other issues, 请伸出援手. 我们很乐意帮忙 you chart your path toward a degree in counseling.

Step 2: Choose a Master’s Degree Program

选择一个程序是一个重大的决定,当所有的程序似乎混合在一起,看起来很相似时,这可能是一个很难做出的决定. 花点时间来评估你正在考虑的项目的这些方面,这样你就可以加入一个最符合你作为学生和未来治疗师需求的项目. Make sure to ask the following questions.


  • Have flexible study options, including online or hybrid learning? GMercyU的咨询课程将在线课程与现场体验相结合. Two weekend residencies round out your experience, helping you get to know your instructors and classmates.
  • Meet my needs in terms of timing? With year-round enrollment, you're only about 2.5 years away from completing the Counseling program at GMercyU.
  • Offer rigorous academic and experiential training? Our university is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 我们的课程内容与咨询及相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP)设计的核心课程保持一致。.
  • Stay on top of important issues for today’s students? GMercyU values critical thinking, eng年龄ment with social issues, advocacy. 相应的, our master’s degree in counseling includes content on social justice, 股本, the needs of a diverse and ever-changing world.
  • Lead to the attainment of professional credentials? 我们的米.S. 在咨询项目允许学生提前参加国家咨询师考试(NCE). 参加NCE考试是成为国家注册咨询师(NCC)的先决条件,并满足成为宾夕法尼亚州持牌专业咨询师的执照要求.

Step 3: Complete Academic and Experiential Requirements

Our 60-credit degree program includes core courses, 选修课, Practicum and Internship placements. These requirements offer solid preparation for seeking licensure post-graduation.

实习和实习是由你自己的兴趣、经验和可用性决定的. 与大多数项目一样,学生们负责确保自己的实习机会. GMercyU确实, 然而, 有一个专门的实地工作协调员,他的角色包括回答你在获得实习的过程中可能遇到的任何问题,并在整个过程中为你提供支持.

Step 4: Pass the National Counselor Examination

Because GMercyU meets its high standards, 国家注册咨询师委员会已经批准我们的毕业生在毕业后加快参加国家咨询师考试(NCE), rather than having to wait to satisfy the post-graduation experience requirements. 这对我们的学生来说是个好消息,因为他们可以在硕士课程的内容还记忆犹新的时候参加考试!


By the time you reach the job-hunting st年龄, you will have learned so much during your time at GMercyU! You will have grown as a person and professional, 在你的导师的帮助下,确定你想成为什么样的治疗师. Many of our students have to look no further than their fieldwork site for a job; our graduates regularly receive offers of employment from their placement sites.

Start a Career in Therapy with GMercyU!

成为一名治疗师 is a rich and rewarding endeavor and it can begin for you today. Now that you've learned how to become a therapist, 看看我们的节目吧 and reach out with any questions. 我们很乐意帮忙! 准备好出发了? 适用于今天!

